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Performance Reporter – bug in smtp setup

If you use the performance reporter from the Hitachi Command Suite 8.5 (guess it will be fixed later) and you try to setup smtp alerts, you run into a bug if you are on IPv4.
You have to setup smtp into the performance reporter windows….guess you now how. But there are one option is gone. „Protocol“ is lost. That small issue gives you a problem. The PR try to mail via IPv4. As you can see in the screen below. In HCS 8.4* you have a „Protocol“ selection, in this 8.5 it is gone.

That give the system the option to mail only via IPv6.  To change this you have to change it by hand into „/opt/jp1pc/bin/action/jpcah.ini“ (guess you find the „Protocol“ value 😉 ).
Attention. If you change something into the WebGUI of Mailsetup, like Adress or so, the IPv4 changes magical again to IPv6. Restart Performance Reporter, and you are fine.

/opt/HiCommand/Base64/bin/hcmds64srv -stop -server PerformanceReporter
/opt/HiCommand/Base64/bin/hcmds64srv -start -server PerformanceReporter



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