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HDS Tuning Manager Installation – Solaris

Im not sure why i cant get that piece of software to work, but now it runs after many trys. In my first try HTMS are running but i cant get that monitoring to work. IMHO are that Installation is not so easy as expected. Yesterday i get a hint from colleague to try htmsetup and install some Raid-Manager Libs, since that my systems will be monitored.
That you need a licence should be clear. I now that my english is bad, but i wrote that for admin with a booted „Brain 1.0“ and a good cup of coffee. I will try i wrote down how to setup HTMS (Hitachi Tuning Manager Server) with agents to monitor some HDS-Systems (called RAID or in Ex-SUN 9990 as example). We dont monitor switches or hosts.

Bevore you install Hitachi Command Suite (ex HiCommand) you have to setup some „projects“ for shared mem and so on. These settings are not compatible to HTMS, you have to adjust it. First you have to set the /etc/projects as expected from HTMS. At my host, and i dont no why, projmod to user.root was not accepted by pre check into the install script (it does not go on if these setting are not OK, try it if you like).  Type @ commandline. ATTENTION: If you copy that files the paste to commandline does not work correct.
projmod -s -K „process.max-sem-ops=(priv,640,deny)“ system
projmod -s -K „project.max-msg-ids=(priv,216,deny)“ system
projmod -s -K „project.max-sem-ids=(priv,1152,deny)“ system
projmod -s -K „project.max-shm-ids=(priv,2128,deny)“ system

If you like to try user.root type. In my installation the install script or solaris does not accept it. I setup these option into /etc/system – see below. You need only one! projmod or /etc/system.
projmod -s -K „process.max-msg-messages=(priv,8243,deny)“ user.root
projmod -s -K „process.max-sem-nsems=(priv,640,deny)“ user.root
projmod -s -K „process.max-sem-ops=(priv,640,deny)“ user.root
projmod -s -K „project.max-msg-ids=(priv,216,deny)“ user.root
projmod -s -K „project.max-sem-ids=(priv,1152,deny)“ user.root
projmod -s -K „project.max-shm-ids=(priv,2128,deny)“ user.root

These coming from my /etc/system if „user.root“ are not working.
set msgsys:msginfo_msgtql=9412
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=640
set semsys:seminfo_semopm=640
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmni=216
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=1152
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=2128
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=992870400

You have to reboot to get that setting to work.

  • Please have you command device(s) ready to work on that server where you install HTMS. Mapping/Zoning – whatever, you should see it with „format“.
  • Now we start the installation from within an imagefile or whatever you like to do. Start the installation script, read an wait. Guess i dont need to tell you details.
  • In my first trys i dont recognize that following. A colleague tell me to try it. HTMS and HCS are have to be stopped. Type „/opt/HiCommandServer/tools/“ and enter value 1 or check with 2….read it, its easy. If HCS or HTMS are running you get a failure if you select „1“.
  • After that installation you have to install (i have only HDS systems) „Agent for Raid“ from a file or the second DVD – whatever. Install it. Now you have some tools inside /opt/jp1pc/tools/ – PLEASE check and type /opt/jp1pc/tools/jpctdlistraid – these should showing your command devices listed.
  • Start all -> „/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcstart all„, check it „/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcctrl list „*“““ – now check that HCS ist runing „/opt/HiCommand/Base/bin/hcmdssrv -status“
  • Lets setup one RAID System (RAID a system names by hitachi, RAID400/500….). Type -> /opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcinssetup agtd -inst YOURSYSTEMNAME <- Systemname is a free name you like. If you can read, you now what you have to select after that 😉 . Do that with all your „RAID“ Systems you like to monitor where you have command devices
  • check your monitored systems by „/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcinslist agtd„, you should see additional to running agents your systems from step above as „Agent Store“ and „Agent Collector“
  • if not type /opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcstart all – it starts what is not running
  • the following step is a little tricky and, once again, im not sure why wee need it. But without it (and the step with htmsetup) i cant monitor any system. I guess without htmsetup it will work but without that Raid Manager libs it wont. OK, we have to link some Raid-Manager libraries. RaidManager also know as HORCM. Take that „RMLIB“ from your installation image or directory. Go to /usr/lib and cpio that RMLIB  cpio -icBdum < /mountXYZ/RMLIB. Now „cd /usr/lib/RMLIB“ you can try a „./bin/whatrmver“ and should get a failure from *.so files. Run and you get what you need. On my installtion it was no problem with HORCM or any other software.

So, that it. I rebooted that hole system after that to get all clean to work. Check your running HTMS withh /opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcctrl list „*“““. Your HTMS and your Agents should run. If your agents are not startet well, start it by hand ;). Hope it helps if you cant get it to work like me :mrgreen: .

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